At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Innocent Mistake Leads to TFSA Penalty
Innocent Mistake Leads to TFSA Penalty Robitaille v. The Queen (click here for decision) The taxpayer inadvertently deposited $40,000 to his TFSA. The CRA penalized him for it. The Court upheld the penalty. TFSA Over-Contribution [...]
A T5 Slip Does Not Automatically Result in Taxable Income
Tax Court finds No Dividend Received Through Income-Splitting Scheme Trower v. HMQ 2019 TCC 77 Trower Decision Summary CRA assessed Ms. Trower to include a taxable dividend in the amount of $58,900 in 2016 because [...]
Taxpayer’s Lack of Credibility Sinks Appeal
Taxpayer’s Lack of Credibility Sinks Appeal Wall Tax Court Decision Summary This is a case about a taxpayer lacking credibility and the Tax Court Judge not accepting his evidence as a result. A real estate [...]