At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Minister’s Refusal to Grant Remission Unreasonable
Minister’s Refusal to Grant Remission Unreasonable Mokrycke v. Canada (Attorney General) 2020 FC 1027 Summary The Applicant applied for a remission order, which was rejected by the Minister of National Revenue (“Minister”). The Applicant sought [...]
Tax Court Vacates Minister’s Transfer Pricing Assessments
Agracity Ltd. v. HMQ 2020 TCC 91 Summary The Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) allowed the appeals relating to transfer pricing assessments on the basis that there was no sham and that there was [...]
Supreme Court of Canada Rules on Derivatives & Forward Contracts
Supreme Court of Canada Rules on Losses Stemming from Derivative Contract MacDonald v. Canada 2020 SCC 6 Summary This appeal dealt with what are known as derivative contracts and whether gains and losses from those [...]