At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Tax Settlements in Canada: Is it Time to Adopt US Style ADR?
Tax Settlements in Canada: Is it Time to Adopt US Style ADR? Introduction Settlement is about compromise. It’s about grabbing what you can and getting out with a deal you know you can live with. [...]
Minister Was Reasonable to Deny Bonnybrook’s Request for Relief
Minister Was Reasonable to Deny Bonnybrook’s Request for Relief Bonnybrook Park Industrial Development Co Ltd v. Canada (National Revenue) 2022 FC 103 Bonnybrook Decision Link Summary Bonnybrook Park Industrial Development Co Ltd. (“Bonnybrook”) applied for [...]
Choosing The Right Tax Litigation Lawyer
Choosing The Right Tax Litigation Lawyer In the course of my practice, I am routinely asked the question “what makes you any different from the rest?”. It is an excellent question. And it is certainly [...]