At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Interest Relief Applications Must be Specific
Taxpayer Relief Applications can be Tricky Martel v. Canada This is a very interesting decision from the Federal Court of Canada. It involves the required degree of precision when seeking interest relief from the Minister, [...]
CRA Ordered to Pay Interest to Taxpayer
Federal Court Rules Interest Payable on Amount Refunded to Taxpayer Glatt v. Canada (National Revenue) 2019 FC 738 (Glatt Decision Here) Summary This case deals with the question of whether the Minister had an obligation to [...]
Net Worth Assessments Explained
CRA’s Last Resort: The Dreaded Net Worth Assessment Background Many aspects of the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) and its tax collection measures trouble the average Canadian. But likely the most troublesome -- and controversial -- [...]