At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Federal Court of Appeal Clarifies Onus of Proof in Tax Cases
Federal Court of Appeal Clarifies Onus of Proof in Tax Cases Eisbrenner Decision Here Eisbrenner v. Canada 2020 FCA 93 Summary This case involved charitable donations where the value of the receipts greatly exceeded the [...]
The Stoic Tax Professional
The Stoic Tax Professional Recently I have been totally captivated by Stoicism and what are called the Stoic Exercises. If you are not familiar with Stoicism, I think a good start would be anything written [...]
What is a Notice of Objection?
Notices of Objection in Brief By Amit Ummat LLB LLM CS* *Certified Specialist, Taxation Law This brief article describes the process of filing a notice of objection with the CRA. When a taxpayer is reassessed, [...]