At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Former GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs Finally Gets a Win!
Former Leafs GM Finally Gets a Win Nonis v. H.M.Q. 2021 TCC 31 DECISION HERE Summary A former Leafs GM was assessed to include income he earned following his termination. The Tax Court of Canada [...]
CRA Voluntary Disclosure Program Reviewed
CRA Voluntary Disclosure Program Reviewed 4053893 Canada Inc. v. Canada (National Revenue) 2021 FC 218 DECISION HERE Tax Case Summary 4053893 Canada Inc. (“405”) applied for a second judicial review of the Minister’s decision to [...]
Tax Court of Canada Rules Straddle Transactions Not a Sham
Tax Court of Canada Rules Straddle Transactions Not a Sham Paletta Estate v. H.M.Q. 2021 TCC 11 DECISION HERE Summary The appellant[1] entered into straddle transactions to shelter income. The Minister of National Revenue (“Minister”) [...]