At Ummat Tax Law, we contribute tax articles and commentary to the greater tax community in a meaningful way by reviewing and analyzing new rules and case law regularly.
Good writing is clear, concise, and simplifies the complex.

Taxpayer Not Entitled to Deduct Losses on Income Account
Taxpayer Not Entitled to Deduct Losses on Income Account Procon Mining & Tunnelling Ltd. v. HMQ 2022 TCC 71 Decision Here Summary This is a simple case of whether shares owned by a taxpayer were [...]
Treaty Calculation Allows Minister to Use any Twelve-Month Period
Treaty Calculation Allows Minister to Use any Twelve-Month Period Triskelion Projects International Inc. v. The Queen 2022 TCC 63 DECISION HERE Summary The Appellant tried a clever argument for which no factual basis existed. The [...]
Avoiding a CRA Audit
Avoiding a CRA Audit By Amit Ummat, Ummat Tax Law PC We have many clients who are self-employed. We also represent professionals and businesses who are required to keep their own books and a variety [...]